For many people, debt collection and banking law can be complex areas, but for Claver & Egler Abogados, they are fields in which we take great pleasure in working.
Monetary, pecuniary, and banking matters, due to their importance in commercial and civil transactions, often lead to disputes and controversies. These issues, involving money on one side and obligations and contracts on the other, can create difficult situations that are challenging to resolve without professional help.
If you are owed money or have outstanding rents, if you have been unable to meet a payment or rent, or if you have any problem with your bank—such as unauthorized charges, incorrect fees, contract reviews, credit card issues, problems with your mortgage loan agreement, improper expenses in the constitution of a mortgage loan, or any other issue with your bank or financial institution—you have a team of professionals specialized in Banking Law ready to assist and advise you.
Do not hesitate to contact us. We offer a wide range of pre-litigation solutions to resolve these types of issues, whether they involve debts, unpaid rents, or banking matters.
And if it is not possible to resolve the issue through extrajudicial means, we will defend your interests in court.